Jubilee Indulgence Pilgrimage to Rome

What is a Jubilee Indulgence?

By participating in the Holy Year, one is granted a Jubilee indulgence. The Jubilee Indulgence is a concrete manifestation of God's mercy, which goes beyond and transforms the boundaries of human justice. This treasury of grace entered human history in the witness of Jesus and the saints, and by living in communion with them our hope for our own forgiveness is strengthened and becomes a certainty. The Jubilee indulgence allows us to free our hearts from the weight of sin because the reparation due for our sins is given freely and abundantly

In practical terms, the experience of God’s mercy involves some spiritual acts indicated by the Pope. Those who cannot make the Jubilee pilgrimage due to illness or other circumstances are nonetheless invited to take part in the spiritual movement that accompanies the Jubilee year, offering up the sufferings of their daily lives, and participating in the Eucharistic celebration.

  • Make a pilgrimage to a sacred designated Jubilee site in Rome, in the Holy Land, or any of Canada's National Shrines like the Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland, ON, and while there, participate in Mass or other prayer (i.e. celebration of the Word of God, Liturgy of the Hours, Way of the Cross, Marian Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, or penitential celebration with individual confessions). More pilgrimage information follows.
  • Visit a sacred place like a Cathedral church and those designated by the local bishop, and while there, participate in Mass, other prayer service (i.e. celebration of the Word of God, Liturgy of the Hours, Way of the Cross, Marian Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, or penitential celebration with individual confessions) 


Bishop Bergie has designated the following churches and spiritual centres as local Jubilee pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of St. Catharines.:

Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria (3 Lyman Street, St. Catharines)

St. Vincent de Paul Church (73 Picton Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake) –  the oldest church in our diocese)

Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine (4706 Miller Road, Welland)

Gethsemane Ministries (84008 Wellandport Road, Wellandport)

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre (7020 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls)


  • Performing the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2447) in a church or suitable place and participating in faith formation activities on the Catechism of the Catholic Church or other church documents.        

For those who cannot fulfill the conditions to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence listed above because of advancing age or serious health concerns, it is still possible to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence as long as the individual is truly repentant of sin and is united in spirit with the faithful who are taking part in person in any of the Jubilee solemn celebrations, pilgrimages or pious visits. These persons should offer up the sufferings and hardships of their lives and recite: the Jubilee Prayer, Profession of Faith, Our Father, Hail Mary, and pray for Pope Francis and his special intentions. 


Upcoming Diocesan Pilgrimages being planned for the Jubilee Year

  • Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of Rome with Bishop Bergie October 16 – 24, 2025. Click here to view an itinerary. For more information, please contact Ineke Brinkman of Direct Travel and Pilgrimage Tours, 905-988-1313 or ibrinkman@dt.com
  • Young Adult Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine, Summer 2025 (Details will be posted to the Upcoming Events section of the website when available)
  • Bus Pilgrimage to Martyrs’ Shrine, Midland, a designated Canadian Jubilee Pilgrimage Site, Fall 2025 (Details will be posted to the Upcoming Events section of the website when available)


Several members of our diocesan clergy are hosting international pilgrimage experiences during this Jubilee Year through various travel agencies. Please reach out directly if you wish to learn the details:

Fr. Peter Rowe (Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Niagara-on-the-Lake)
The Muse to the Seine
May 12 - 23, 2025
prowe@saintcd.com  or call 905-468-7272

Fr. Ronnie Tagnines (Associate Pastor, St. Patrick Parish in Niagara Falls)
Pilgrimage to Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary
April 25 – May 6, 2025
rtagnines@saintcd.com  or call 905-354-7451

Fr. Stephen Bruzzese (Pastor, St. Denis Parish in St. Catharines)
Pilgrimage to Poland, Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republic
April 29 – May 10, 2025
sbruzesse@saintcd.com  or call 905-685-5911

Fr. Janusz Roginski (Pastor, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Thorold)
Pilgrimage to Rome
September 12 - 24, 2025
jroginski@saintcd.com  or call 905-227-3178